The Faculty of Social Science and Humanities (FSSH) held a seminar on March 16,2023 as part of its series of events for creating awareness among the students on the vital importance of preservation and an efficient management of natural resources for the country.


Speakers at the seminar emphasized that if the consumption of limited natural resources remained unchecked and without a viable preservation plan the future would be catastrophic. 


 FSSH’s seminar on the theme of the Preservation of Natural Resources under the Students’ Seminar Series was an interactive platform for the students of the faculty to showcase their talent by participating in several academic and co-curricular activities focusing on various aspects of the theme. It also gave students an opportunity to build confidence and enhance their personal professional skills besides inculcating an environmental sensibility among them.


Ms. Salma Ayaz (Lecturer of English, DSBS) supervised the session while students of the faculty actively participated in the activity. Zareena Zulfiqar (SSH-VIII) and Eeman Parveen (Psychology-III) hosted the event. The function was honored by the presence of Dr. Irum Monis (DD, Quality Assurance), Dr. Adeela Bashir (Health Professions Education) and Dr. Abdul Qadar (HoD Social and Behavioral Sciences) alongside other esteemed faculty members.


The event commenced with the recitation of the Holy Quran by Abeer Fatima (Psychology-III), followed by the welcome note by Ms. Salma Ayaz who thanked the honorable guests and students from MS Clinical Psychology for attending the event. An interesting Ted talk on the topic, “What is more expensive, man-made or God made?” was delivered by Anosh Shahid (Psychology-III) that earned huge applause. It was followed by the photography competition on the theme, “Preservation of Natural Resources”. The photographs were judged for better representing the given theme by Dr. Irum Monis and Dr. Adeela Bashir. Another Ted talk was delivered by Mubarra Noor (SSH-VII) on the topic, “Myths and Realities of Water Conservation”, which the audience found very informative. A play titled “Jo hum ne bnaya sasta ha” by Umm E Farwa (SSH-VII), Pireh Fareed Memon (Psychology-III), and Areeba Gul (Psychology-III) highlighted the fact that what we human make does have some flaw and only God creations are flawless became a very thought-provoking performance. Lastly, posters depicting the importance of preservation of natural resources were presented by the students which were graded by judges accordingly.


Dr. Adeela Bashir commenting on students’ performances, appreciated their efforts. Dr. Irum Monis also gave a valuable feedback to the students and applauded them for pulling the event successfully. She also announced the winners of photography and poster competition and awarded the winners, participants and organizers with the certificates.


The ceremony concluded with a group photo.